“Let the little children come to me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14).

“Man is born natural, but is educated in order that he may become civil and moral, and afterwards spiritual, for thus he is born again” (AR 161).

Contribution Information:

Thank you for considering a donation to the Kempton New Church School!

With your help we will be able to provide a new opportunity to parents who seek to enroll their children in a local K-12 New Church school which acts as an extension of a New Church home.

Your kindness is greatly appreciated.

Please make your check payable to KNCS with “School Expansion Fund” in the memo line and send it to:

Kenan Smith, Treasurer
Kempton New Church
PO Box 140
Kempton, PA 19529

Or donate to the “School Expansion Fund” through PayPal:

Questions? Please contact Ian directly @ 484-619-1619